Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Homework #3

John Hoke sounds like he has a fun job!  I'm sure it's stressful at times, though.  But to be Nike's chief design officer must be pretty interesting.  Towards the end of the article, Hoke mentioned shoes that feel like you're running on grass... I've actually seen that!  I've seen flip flops that have artificial grass as the bed of the shoe.  So you're literally walking/standing on grass at all times.  I thought it was kind of weird, but to each his own.
This was my favorite quote from Hoke:
"The job of the designer tomorrow is to take that head-start, take that information and then imbue on top of that their intellect, their imagination, their heart and their hand."

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Homework #2

Niels Diffrient clearly has spent a lot of time thinking about chairs!  Way more than I ever have.  But that's what he needed to, and it's what any good designer should do... even if it takes 8 or 9 years to get it right, like it did for him!  I find it kind of interesting that he started with a love for airplanes, but ended up designing office chairs.  I bet his 10 year-old self would never have imagined that happening!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Homework #1

When I read Alice Rawsthorn's article, "How to Ruin a Great Design," I was surprised!  I couldn't believe that the 'Diverted Cyclists' sign was an actual sign in use.  I totally understand her frustration!  Not only does the large 'D' look strange, it looks unprofessional.  Street signs should be simple, clear, and uniform, and a design that falls short of that should be fixed.  And when it comes to a changing a good design... "If it's not broke, don't fix it!"