Friday, December 7, 2018

Face Tracing

Sweet Tooth Bakery

Sweet Tooth Bakery is a family owned and operated business.  Our goal is to produce both classic and original bakery items that will satisfy everyone's needs for sweets.  We have a wide variety of items, ranging from cookies, candies, and hot chocolate to pastries, cheesecakes, and gourmet desserts.  We currently operate in a small shop in the mall, but within 5 years we'd like to have a building all our own.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Homework #7

I think it's a fine idea to tweak logos to save on ink!  It certainly would be less costly, and it would also be more eco-friendly, as the article says.  I don't think companies need to worry about the change in their 'brand voice' too much, especially if they do it right.  They would only be tweaking the design, not changing it entirely.  And besides, sometimes you need to mix things up and keep it fresh, too!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Homework #6

What an interesting story!  The fact that Neil Stansfield was about to get away with that for so long is crazy!  But like the article points out, it definitely says something about the importance of branding and the way it affects how we purchase.  "The perceived value of a product is what makes it sell."  The brand's identity may not be everything, but there is definitely truth to the saying, "Perception is reality."

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Movie Poster Plot

"Full-Scale Invasion"

Ashley is interning at the city's biggest and most advanced science lab.  When she got the position, she knew there'd be a learning curve, but that she'd get to see things that were out of this world.  Little did she know, she'd bitten off more than she could chew...
Or rather, she gets bitten by the latest addition to their inventory... an alien-like reptile that's working to infect everyone on the planet with their poison.  As symptoms develop and progress, Ashley becomes less human and more creature-like.  She shirks responsibilities, takes on a new diet, develops scales... and starts to appreciate their vision for our world --- a world where they're in control.
Across the city, more and more people are infected and are transforming into these aliens.
It's a Full-Scale Invasion.
Scientists and doctors at the lab race to come up with an antidote --- but will it be in time?

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Homework #5

I thought this interview with Dustin Stanton was interesting, because he's someone who's out there 'doing it,' working in graphic design.  What stood out to me the most was what he said he does when he's stuck on a design --- or as he said, the design isn't "talking" to him.  He said he re-thinks and re-asks the basic questions, like "What am I trying to communicate?" and "What should the feeling or tone be?"  He also does more research and looks at other design work for inspiration.  I thought that's something I should keep in mind as I try generate ideas for my own work!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Homework #4

I found this article to be really interesting.  I know they touch-up photos with Photoshop, and I know they do some re-touching in movies, but I had no idea it was so extensive!  And so tight-lipped.  Now it's making me re-think everything I see.  I can't help but wonder what effect this has on people and the way they see themselves... not just those who view those images, but the clients who have these things done, too.  I think the fact that someone had this "beauty work" done on one of their home videos is really telling of its influence... and not necessarily for the better.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Homework #3

John Hoke sounds like he has a fun job!  I'm sure it's stressful at times, though.  But to be Nike's chief design officer must be pretty interesting.  Towards the end of the article, Hoke mentioned shoes that feel like you're running on grass... I've actually seen that!  I've seen flip flops that have artificial grass as the bed of the shoe.  So you're literally walking/standing on grass at all times.  I thought it was kind of weird, but to each his own.
This was my favorite quote from Hoke:
"The job of the designer tomorrow is to take that head-start, take that information and then imbue on top of that their intellect, their imagination, their heart and their hand."